👋 Hello, I'm Shaun. I do stuff on computers.

Recently, building this with them and wrote this with them. Before that, this and other things.


Oops, I built it again

Had to rebuild the blog again due to a roadblock of old dependencies. Why do we do this to ourselves?

Optimistic User Interfaces: A good kind of lie

Optimistic UIs are full of little lies that attempt to make the web feel more responsive and real-time. The truth can be predicted. Most of the time.

App privacy, part I: Apps are not private

It's hard to build cloud-synced collaborative apps if you genuinely care about user privacy. Most apps are not private by default by design. They should be.

Bizarre browser behaviour: SVG in the Cypress Tree

Pain is relative. Things are getting better.

It breaks all by itself

It sometimes feels inevitable that code over time will eventually break itself, but this isn't quite true.

More of the same